AWI Game 2: The fight at Livingstone House
Major Joseph Hawley is in trouble. Wounded and routed by the British at Wilsons Creek (See AWI Campaign Game 1) he has led his forces...

Can't see the woods for the trees
I wanted to add some woods to my 54mm terrain collection. I hit on a rough idea and sounded out one of my friends (James Holloway - who...

More 54mm American War of Independence Units
The painting and basing spree continues. I managed to paint and base up on Friday morning a unit of light infantry -representing the 2nd...

The first of the WW2 Aussies....
Managed to finish off painting and basing the first of the Aussies to face off against the Japanese forces I recently acquired. Finished...

54mm AWI Campaign Game 1: Advance on Wilson's Creek
So week three of isolation. I thought i'd tinker with the Fat Lardies Chain of Command (COC) Rules and Campaign supplement and start an...

A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away.....
Its been a while that we have posted anything - work commitments have mostly got in the way of all four of us getting together. However...

French Indian War Raid - 7TV style!
So something a 'little different' from the Middle-aged Warfare gang this week: 7TV Adapted for the French Indian Wars. It was also good...

One of our bombs is missing....
This week Dave, Rich and myself were joined by Mark for his first sortie into the weird and wacky world of 7TV. The plot? Stalin,...

Battle of Tel-El-Kebir a la 10mm style!
Dave, Richard and myself decided to combine a number of needs for a game night. We wanted to test out Death in a Dark Continent rules...

We've been expecting you Mr Bond (but in truth we're rather annoyed how deadly you are!).
This week saw Dave, Rich and myself fielding our teams to fight over some middle eastern artefacts - scattered around a familiar looking...